
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips for Starting a Transporting Business

The trucking/transport industry is a promising business venture, seeing as its demand essentially grows in proportion to the advancement of a particular community or city. Indeed, the more progressive a place is, the more it needs to have materials and merchandise hauled away to a new location to be sold and distributed. Here are some things you need to know if you want to engage in this business:

First, you have to know what type of trucking operation you want to run. A sub-contracted system means giving out jobs to drivers not of your employ. This helps you cut down on start-up costs, but you have little to no control over your drivers. A privately-owned business, on the other hand, gives you total control over your operations, but will need more start-up capital.

Next, find out all the necessary requirements, certifications, and other documents to officially and legally start your business. For instance, you need to know about the Federal Motor Carrier Authority number, as well as the International Fuel Tax Agreement Decal and the Heavy Use Tax form. Such documents are required for you to comply with regulations referring to the heavy use of national roads.

You'll also need to invest in the right equipment before you hope to begin your transport business, especially if you will employ your own drivers. Look into different types of trucks to perform various jobs, like flatbeds for oversized transports or a refrigerated one for transporting food and other frozen items.


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