
Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Quick Guide to Applying for an MC Authority

Safety is a top concern in driving any type of vehicle, most especially trucks. Driving an 18-wheeler truck, for example, is prone to road traffic accidents considering the vehicle’s size. While crashes are not entirely preventable, minimizing the chances of accidents from happening can be done by taking several steps.

One important step is to get a Motor Carrier (MC) Authority. Only the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) issues an MC Authority although obtaining this may seem like a challenge for many motor carriers. To manage this challenge, companies hire consultants who understand the application process for an MC authority.

An MC authority is necessary when hauling goods for interstate commerce. Many carriers file for this under the most basic category of “general freight,” which includes cargo like pet food pallets, paper towels, and video players, among others. Carriers can apply online, including liability insurance, with the help of consultants using an FMSCA-issued system.

Permitting specialists submit the application on behalf of the companies and obtain a Department of Transportation (DOT) no. and an MC no. FMSCA then issues a 10-day protest period after publishing an MC no, and if all filings are made and no protests are lodged, final authority may be issued. Professional consultants can help companies undergo smooth application and approval processes.


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